Okay, let\’s say you’ve just moseyed over from the fantastic Unshelved website and you’re wondering what this is all about. Let me give you the quick skinny:
My name is Jim Zubkavich (though friends and colleagues usually just call me “Zub”). I’m the writer/creator of Skullkickers.
The Skullkickers are two hard-headed mercenaries who slay monsters and cause havoc in their quest for gold, fame and adventure.
Skullkickers is a PG-rated adventure comic published by Image (publisher of \’The Walking Dead\’, \’Chew\’, \’Spawn\’ and many other comic series). At its heart SK is a buddy cop movie slammed into Conan, a fantasy action-comedy with sass and banter. It\’s violent, but the blood is cartoonishly ridiculous. It skirts a violent edge without tipping over into nastiness. There\’s no real swearing, just cartoon symbol $#% style curses. There\’s absolutely no sexual content.
Although Skullkickers would generally be considered a “boy’s” comic, I\’m adamant about having content that doesn\’t play to the fanboy-ish tendencies in fantasy and superhero books to use girls as sex objects or plot props for the male leads. Boy-centric shouldn\’t mean anti-girl, if that makes sense.
Our first trade paperback arrives in comic shops and book stores March 9th and everyone on the creative team is excited about seeing the work we’ve done collected in a handsome book format. Our publisher is helping push hard to get new readers on board the series with an aggressive value price for the trade: 144 full colour pages for only $9.99.
If the above sounds like a fun read to you and you’d like to see more, please feel free to click on the trade paperback cover to your right for ordering info, or the images below to preview our issues.

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