Author Archives: JimZub

Skullkickers at Gen Con Indy 2012!

This year’s Gen Con Indy (August 16-19) is going to be epic.

Skullkickers will be set up again. Look for Jim Zub at Booth #745 along with with Tracy Hickman (Dragonlance, XDM, Wayne of Gotham) and Howard Tayler (Schlock Mercenary).

For sale at our booth:

Skullkickers Vol. 1 and 2 (soft cover)
Skullkickers Treasure Trove (hard cover)
The Skullkickers Convention-Exclusive World Map

along with rare variant covers, sketches and more!

Last year Gen Con was one of our best shows and this year should prove no exception. If you’re headed to Indianapolis, make sure you come by and see us!

SK #16 is eXpert Comics Book of the Month

Skullkickers #16 fought its way to the top of the pack and won eXpert Comics\’ \’Book of the Month\’. Check it out!

\”Baldy and Shorty are action figures and video game avatars, and the best cartoon duo since the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote.\”

Skullkickers Vol. 3 Solicitation

story JIM ZUB

144 PAGES / FC / T


Order now from Amazon
Order now from Barnes & Noble
Order now from Book Depository
Order now from Forbidden Planet
Order now from Midtown Comics
Order now from Waterstones (UK)

The third SKULLKICKERS adventure is a tidal wave of adventure: a pirate ship of lady buccaneers, dangerous cargo, sea monsters, food fights and the strange secret of the mysterious gun at the center of the SKULLKICKERS mythos.

Jump on board and see why the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) added SKULLKICKERS to their list of “Great Graphic Novels For Teens 2012”!

Collects SKULLKICKERS #12-17

Panel Bound Interviews Aubrey

Panel Bound interviewed our Tavern Tales Contest Winning Writer Aubrey Sitterson, talking to him about working on his short story and breaking into comics.

Major Spoilers Loves SK #16


Zach Woolf at Major Spoilers is thoroughly impressed with our latest issue.

\”Skullkickers #16 is rude, violent, foul-mouthed, artistic, and all-around well-done, earning 4 out of 5 stars.\”

Image Addicted Gets Addicted to SK #16


Andrew Leslie is thoroughly impressed with Skullkickers #16, the 4th part of our \”Six Shooter on the Seven Seas\” story arc.

\”Once again, writer Jim Zub bends a particular genre to his will, incorporating the hilariously beloved Skullkickers flavor into a fast-paced, creature-feature, sea-faring, hyphen-inducing horror comic.\”

Comic Buzz Praises Skullkickers #16

James Mason at Comic Buzz reviews Skullkickers #16, our latest release, and gives it high praise on all fronts.

\”Skullkickers is one of the most fun, irreverent and devil may care comics out there. The only thing the creators care about in Skullkickers is that it’s the best comic they can make. Something they succeed at in every issue. The maddening thing is they make it look all too easy.\”

Unleash the Fanboy Loves SK #16


Our latest issue arrived on Wednesday and pop culture site Unleash the Fanboy has a brand new review.

\”…an excellent example of storytelling and a prime source of humor in comic book form. With riffs on pirates, fantasy tropes and everything in between, Skullkickers #16 is worth a read for anyone who appreciates a laugh.\”

Skullkickers Sketch Cover

Comic creator Mat Nastos did up a spiffy Skullkickers sketch cover and posted it on his site.

Nice work, Mat. It turned out great!

One Geek Nation Reviews SK #16

Josh Pierce at One Geek Nation tries Skullkickers for the first time with issue #16 and becomes a Skullkickers-Convert.

\”After reading this issue, I finally saw what all the hype was about and became a comic snob no more.\”…\”You can tell the creators are having so much fun making this book. It shows, and resonates to the reader.\”