This Saturday Jim Zub will be in San Diego, California celebrating Free Comic Book Day at Superheroes In Training!
If you live in the area, please come out and meet him there!
This Saturday Jim Zub will be in San Diego, California celebrating Free Comic Book Day at Superheroes In Training!
If you live in the area, please come out and meet him there!
story JIM ZUB
160 PAGES / FC / T
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The fourth SKULLKICKERS adventure is madcap island mayhem with tropical terror, savage stupidity, beach brawls and jungle jams alongside surprising revelations about the SKULLKICKERS mythos.
Collects SKULLKICKERS #18-23 (including the five ‘unbooted’ issues Uncanny, Savage, Mighty, All-New Secret, and Dark Skullkickers Dark).
Our latest issue arrived Wednesday and it looks like we’re on a roll! Critics and readers seem quite happy with our story, art and adjectives.
• Newsarama: “10/10 Overall, it’s not often that a comic can blend an action story that is not only fun to read but genuinely funny.”
• Unleash the Fanboy: “4.5/5 I am SOLD on this series. I can’t believe I’m so late to the party. Jim and company have an awesome thing going and I highly recommend you pick up this issue.”
• Fanboy Comics: “If you like your fantasy and action with a good dose of humor, read Savage Skullkickers #1 today, and then go out and buy the back issues of Skullkickers. Just a side note, you will have to fight me for them.”
• Page and Panel: “By the end of this issue, long-time readers will be grinning from ear-to-ear”…”This is like a Skullkickers’ love letter to Skullkickers, about Skullkickers, by the Skullkickers crew”
• Capeless Crusader: “THIS BOOK ROCKS! I’m convinced Skullkickers has something for pretty much everyone”
• Gamma Squad: “The comic you should be reading this week”…”Skullkickers is not a profound book. It’s just funny. Very, very funny, and sometimes, that’s really all a comic book needs to be.”
• One Quest: “8/10 I really can’t say enough just how much fun Skullkickers is, and I’m pretty disappointed with myself for waiting so long to get started with it.”
• Comic Vine: “4/5 Overall, I love this book and you will too. I highly recommend it.”
• Comic Bastards: “4/5 The art is fantastic; visually the style is very pleasing to the eye. The book is colorful and looks very polished and the panels look good.”
• Nerdlocker: “4/5 Honestly, I had a blast reading this.”
• Sound On Sight: “…the crackling dialogue eventually materializes in full and proves complementary to the colorful art style.”
This weekend Jim and Edwin will be in Annapolis, Maryland for a special Savage Skullkickers #1 launch signing party at Third Eye Comics! It’s also International Tabletop Day so they’ll be playing board games, card games and RPGs (especially Skullkickers-Munchkin).
It’s going to be an amazing event. If you live in Maryland you need to make your way to Third Eye this Saturday!
On the left is Marvel’s previously released Savage Wolverine #1, on the right is Savage Skullkickers #1, arriving in stores this Wednesday. Don’t be confused. They’re both great comics.
Frank Cho, artist and writer on Savage Wolverine, is top notch talent and a great guy. We thank him for being a good sport after Edwin and Jim homaged the bejezus out of his amazing cover art.
Anyways, SAVAGE SKULLKICKERS, make sure you pick your copy up on Wednesday!
Tavern Tales Contest Winner Ivan Anaya sketched up this St. Patrick’s Day dwarf for you all. Enjoy!
DARK SKULLKICKERS DARK #1 is dark, possibly gritty
This June, Image Comics beats a horse to death and you’re all invited to watch! It’s a new comic that’s not new at all… but it is dark. “How dark?” you ask? It’s so dark we had to use the word twice – DARK SKULLKICKERS DARK!
“This may be the worst thing we’ve ever done,” said Image PR and Marketing Director Jennifer de Guzman. “It’s a pale reflection of the industry’s need to spin rebooted series through endless hype, turning the crazed hamster wheel of entertainment promotion until it’s fallen apart. Good-bye, integrity.”
DARK SKULLKICKERS DARK #1, written by old industry pariah Jim Zub and drawn by young pencil jockey Edwin Huang, wraps up the fourth story arc of SKULLKICKERS, the series people keep saying they’ve heard about but haven’t had a chance to try yet but, dangit, they will at some point if they see the collections on sale or something.
“Fun comic books are a thing of days past,” said series creator Zub. “In order to grab a modern audience I’ve dipped into the darkness of my own heart and spilled my blood upon the pages of this sequential masterpiece. Oh yeah, there’s beer in it too.”
If you’re one of the few and proud collectors of SKULLKICKERS irritated that you won’t have a SKULLKICKERS #23 to add to your collection, fret thee not. In addition to the regular “Dark Dark” cover we’re offering a special “issue #23 variant” B cover to keep your collection copacetic. We’re looking out for you, baby.
We’ve dug as deep as we can go. We’ve entered the darkness. DARK SKULLKICKERS DARK #1 will be available in June wherever dark comics are sold. Pre-order it now from the April issue of Previews. Order the old trades too. They’re pretty good.
A few more Uncanny Skullkickers #1/Skullkickers #19 reviews rolled in over the weekend…
• Comic Book Resources: “It’s a lot of fun, and it’s great to see Zub and Huang’s fantasy and parody title still kicking with energy and ideas.”
• eXpert Comics: “7/7 …the most consistently well-crafted book in the last 2 years.”
• Ain’t It Cool News: “…the humor, the action, and the absurdity of it all is still intact and ready to crack wise like it cracks brain helmets.”
• Inside Pulse: “Skullkickers is a lot of fun, and it looks like Zub is having a good time switching up the formula a little by rearranging the players.”
• Nerd Machine: “Uncanny Skullkickers #1 is a great way to get into the series from the newly established ground floor.”
• Comic Booked: “5/5 Well done Team Skullkickers, even with a new #1 you continue to impress me.”
• One Quest: “8/10 Uncanny Skullkickers #1 is a great place to pick up this story, and gives you all the back story you need”
• Nerds on the Rocks: “Uncanny Skullkicker #1 will do well to remind many why we love the medium so much. It’s fun, it’s colorful, it’s action-packed and it’s worth a read!”
• Panel Culture: “Hand over fist, the funniest book we read this week.”
Who knew a lil’ old #1 on the cover could bring so much attention?
Thank you everyone who picked up a copy of UNCANNY SKULLKICKERS #1. The feedback from retailers, readers and reviewers has been overwhelmingly positive. Here’s the word from the internet at large:
• The Beat: “Uncanny Skullkicker’s #1 does work as an excellent jump-on point for readers, with an inclusive sense of humor which fizzes on the page. The characters are fun to read about, the artwork is striking and tells the story well, and it left me interested in going back and reading the previous 18 issues.”
• Newsarama: “8/10 …a Mountain Dew-fueled Saturday night around the kitchen table playing Dungeons & Dragons wrapped up into 22 pages of highly polished comic fun.”
• Weekly Crisis: “Must Read. Zub combines elements of the fantasy genre while at the same time making you laugh yourself silly. The book is just plain old fun!”
• Multiversity: “8.8/10 Jim Zub’s jokes are laugh-out-loud funny, the story is exciting, and the artistic team of Edwin Huang and Misty Coats is dynamite.”
• Futile Position: “Uncanny Skullkickers #1 is a great issue. It’s not only a good jumping on point for those new to the series it also sends the series off in a new direction with a new central dynamic and the usual balance of fantastic action scenes and truly-funny funny parts”
• Comic Vine: “4.5/5 …an original adventure story with perfect amount of satire and parody.”
• IGN: “7.7/10 All in all, Uncanny Skullkickers #1 is worth at least a chance to win your loyalty.”
• Nerds of a Feather: “Pick of the Week. …a witty book that provides moments of genuine laughter and has an interesting cast of characters.”
• Eat@Shrimpy’s: “9/10 …one of the smartest, funniest, self-aware books on the market”
• Image Addiction: “Thank god, they finally added adjectives. I don’t think I could have tolerated another issue without them.”
• Fanboy Comics: “Jim Zub delivers a crazy world full of giant monsters, insane magic, and some of the coolest action heroes you’ll ever meet. His skullkickers aren’t quite good guys and gals, they’re just the heroes we’re stuck with.”
• Page & Panel: “Issue #1/#19 doesn’t miss a step in fire-grilling some of the craziest, over-the-top violence and wrapping it in a buddy-comedy tortilla, ready for your consumption!”
• Graphic Policy: “8.5/10 After a too long break, this week sees a new release, either the nineteenth issue or the first issue of an ‘uncanny’ new series. Either way, the issue kicks ass!”
• Comicosity: “8.5/10 Skullkickers is an adventure title in its purest form. Every page flip reveals a new monster, or trap, or any number of scenarios you wouldn’t have expected when you first opened the comic.”
• Comic Bastards: “5/5 …this is the best fake first issue I’ve read in the past two years.”
• First Comics News: “9/10 …every panel successful conveys the journey the characters are going on with crisp visuals and a fun layout.”
• Here Be Geeks: “All in, Skullkicker is still a great comedic take on the fantasy genre. There’s really not much to fault, other than wishing for even more of the funny, but that’s only a good thing.”
• OH! Entertainment: “Skullkickers will bring a light dose of humor and big time adventure into your comic book reading, and it will do so in an attractive package.”
• Fellowship of the Geeks: “Titles like this are what make me want to review comics. And read comics. It’s just brilliant, folks.”
• Nerd Span: “It’s a new direction with all the old charm and magic. It’s a great jumping on point for new readers and an issue old readers will thoroughly enjoy.”
• Alpha Comics: “Don’t skip to the last page and ruin the ending of the epic tale of the dwarf in the water that is equal parts Ben Hur, Citizen Kane and M. Night Shyamalan.”
• Third Eye Comics: “Imagine a buddy comedy like THE HANGOVER, and then mix that with the fantasy world setting of LORD OF THE RINGS or DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Now, throw in some bloody slapstick gore ala ARMY OF DARKNESS, and you’ve got yourself a very cool little read.”
Convention season 2013 begins with the always-amazing Emerald City Comicon in Seattle, Washington!
Jim Zub will be exhibiting at the show all three days and will have books and comics on hand for you to check out, including our wonderful Emerald City Comicon variant of the brand new UNCANNY SKULLKICKERS #1 with cover art by Jeff “Chamba” Cruz (who is also attending, so you can get two signatures).
In addition he’ll also be hosting two panels and signing at both Image Comics and Dynamite Entertainment at select times.
SATURDAY 11am-12pm at BOOTH 1802 Signing at Dynamite Entertainment
Join Katie Cook (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic) and Jim Zub (Skullkickers) as they tell tales about what it can be like behind the convention table. Stories like that of a man in California that introduced a fox puppet as his son, to a man in a tiger costume that talked about his removable loincloth! Sometimes the folks that go to conventions really are “those weirdos”. Some stories will make you laugh out loud, some will make you cringe! (May not be appropriate for all ages)
SUNDAY 11am-12pm at BOOTH 1802 Signing at Dynamite Entertainment
Creator-owned comics have grabbed the imagination of the comic-reading community all over again and publishers are looking for fresh ideas from a new generation of talent. Listen closely as creators Cullen Bunn (The Sixth Gun), Charles Soule (27), and moderator Jim Zub (Skullkickers) discuss pitching their hit comic series to publishers and offer advice on how to climb to the top of the treacherous submission mountain, along with comic writing techniques and amusing anecdotes.
SUNDAY 1pm-1:45pm at BOOTH 1110 Signing at Image Comics