Author Archives: JimZub

Skullkickers #12 Arrives Tomorrow!

Skullkickers #12: Four More Tavern Tales, arrives in comic shops nationwide tomorrow! If you just jumped on board Skullkickers with Vol 1 & 2, then issue 12 will keep you satisfied until our third story arc begins in 2012.

Four short stories by four great creative teams.
Have you pre-ordered your copy?


Skullkickers on the Battlefield!

All of our fans are amazing and occasionally they do some amazing things that really surprise us.

Skullkickers mega-fan Ian Tornay, EA\’s Community Manager on the newly released Battlefield 3, sent us a wonderful gift in the mail.

Copies of the game…

Along with personalized dog tags for Shorty and Baldy!

Edwin got them too!

So awesome!

Thanks for bringing our monsters mashers on to the battlefield, Ian.
You rock.

Writing Fight Scenes


Over at the Comics Experience website Jim Zub has some tips on writing great fight scenes, based on the fun stuff that shows up in each issue of Skullkickers. Click on through and enjoy.

Comic Buzz Reviews SK #12


James Mason at Comic Buzz has the first review of Skullkickers #12: Four More Tavern Tales, arriving in stores on Wednesday, November 30th. Our second short story cavalcade hits the spot!

\”It creates the perfect jumping on point and maintains the exceptional polish the series has had for both of the major storylines that have been released thus far.\”


iFanboy: "How I Failed Starborn"


Jim Mroczkowski at iFanboy has just posted up a great article all about how important it is to support creator-owned comics. Click on over and give it a read, then let friends know about your favorite comics.


A sketch of Baldy done by Edwin at this year\’s New York Comicon:


A sketch of Shorty done by Zub at the Skullkickers Vol 2 launch party last week:



The Gonzobrarian waxes joyful about Skullkickers volume one and two in his entertaining review of the series so far. Give it a read and nod your head agreement if the notion strikes you.

\”Skullkickers is a finely-polished effort providing eager appeal for audiences of comics, graphic novels, and general fun.\”

Horror Haven Interview


Shaun Daniels at Horror Haven has just posted a 2 part audio interview with Jim Zub from New York Comicon. It\’s a fun run through of Skullkickers, past, present and future. Listen and enjoy.

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who tweeted about Skullkickers Volume 2 coming out yesterday, told their friends and hooked new readers. We couldn\’t do it without you.

Thank you also to everyone who came out to The Beguiling last night for Zub\’s book signing event. It went great. Zub\’s wife even brought Skullkick Cookies, see?


Good times.

Comics Nexus Loves Our Volume 2


James Fulton at Comics Nexus enjoys Skullkickers volume 2, even when he feels like he shouldn\’t.

\”I’m often surprised that I’m reading Skull Kickers. I’ve never been a Dungeons & Dragons type, and don’t usually go looking for comedic comics. There is, however, something so charming and amusing about the series, that I keep reading despite the fact that I normally hate books like this. Can you give a book higher praise than that?\”