Author Archives: JimZub

SK #15 Review by the Freakin' Awesome Network


Andrew Leslie from the Freakin\’ Awesome Network is thoroughly impressed with our latest issue and compares the awesomeness of Thool to Hans Gruber from Die Hard, high praise indeed!

\”You cannot find this kind of full-flavored, perfectly aged, fantasy/action/comedy blended comic goodness anywhere else except in the pages of Skullkickers.\”

A.V. Club Reviews SK #14-15


The Onion\’s major media site The A.V. Club has a review of Skullkickers #14 and 15 by Oliver Salva that heaps a whole lot of praise on our series. It feels great to be piquing the interest of some big press outlets over the past few months as we continue to plug away on the comic.

\”Since its debut in 2010, Skullkickers has become one of Image’s most consistently entertaining titles.\”…\”This book has gathered a devoted fan base in a short time, thanks to its mix of silliness and ultra violence, but the developments in these past two issues show that the creative team is ready to make a good series even better.\”

Silver Snail Gives SK #15 a 5/5


Matt Demers on the Silver Snail comic shop blog just reviewed Skullkickers #15 and is thrilled with our latest issue.

\”…crisp storytelling and something that felt genuinely rewarding to wait for. I give my compliments to both Jim Zub and artist Edwin Huang.\”

Skullkickers #15 in Stores Today!


Today\’s the day! Skullkickers #15, the second part of our \”Secret of the Gun\” sub-story, arrives in comic shops today. Now you can see why we kept this spiffy cover hidden for so long.

Head on over to your local comic store and pick it up!

Edwin Commission Drawing – SK With Eyes


Edwin does commissions for fans of Skullkickers and some times they\’re pretty specific. Here\’s one of the SK boys done in a slightly different style. In particular, you\’ll notice that they have regular eyes. Looks good, but strange…

Comic Book Revolution Interview


Comic Book Revolution has posted a new podcast interview with Jim Zub on their website. Jim talks in-depth about Skullkickers, including long term plans for the series. Click on through and enjoy!

Zub at Albany Comic Con This Sunday!


On Sunday June 10th Jim will be a guest at the Albany Comic Con in Albany, New York. If you live in upstate New York, you should definitely come down to check out this wonderful one day comic-centric show! He\’ll have copies of Skullkickers trades and issues on hand for purchase, along with sketches and autographs.

Panel Pals Podcast Interview


Jim Zub is interviewed on the Panel Pals podcast all about Skullkickers and breaking into the comic industry.

Jim\’s interview starts at the 57 minute mark of the podcast.

Skullkickers Tavern Tales Contest Winners!

Thanks again to everyone who entered our Skullkickers Tavern Tales Contest. We’re very proud to announce our big winners:

Writing: Aubrey Sitterson

Aubrey‘s writing submission, called “Dues or Die!” won out over the more than 250 writing entries received.

Art: Ivan Anaya

You can check out Ivan Anaya‘s amazing art submission based on the 2 page sample script:

Congratulate our two winners and look forward to their short story coming up in Skullkickers #18!

Jim Zub on Comic Book Club Live

Jim Zub was the special guest on last night\’s Comic Book Club show in New York. He chats up a storm about Skullkickers (including our Tavern Tales Contest Winners), comic book movies, newly released issues and more. Click on through to listen to audio from the event.